A dark day’s truth hidden from light
Two brothers and an uncle supposedly alone
Flames of gunfire killing two of the three
What really happened wouldn’t be known
The lone uncle never a man to be pushed
The brothers at issue themselves at the time
Both brothers a quarrel with the in-law now
Was it self defense or a murderous crime
The brother who lived his wife at the scene
He lay on the ground crying in pain
Two dead the third yielding before his wound
A blood uncle’s tale of how they were slain
The blood uncle a man of unquestioned repute
A chicken fighter, bootlegger, loyal to none
Blocking roads to extort payment
Always looking out for number one
On the day of the shooting he saw nothing
And yet he explained how he knew it to be
Everything projected involvement from him
Many directions his stories would lead
The living brother’s wife had a breakdown
Was it fake or was it truly the undo stress
The questionable uncle picked up all revolvers
His prints on all clearing him of the mess
Perhaps the best of character cost two lives
Self defense easy when no witnesses exist
The corrupt blood uncle died years later
Dim truth faded to black in the mist