
Poetic Laurels.

Witty satire and deserving praise are the odd vibrations which write to the chance, among the open fields where poetry is the melody of endless resonance.

Whispers of charm, arise from the poetic laurels projected to thoughts, becoming verse and prose that transmit feelings to all.

Poetic laurels lit with opaque and luminous emotions, affirming intuitions, and polishing precious stones of an ownerless crown of ilusión.

Lines written with smiles of pleasure intertwined with lines written with tears of pain, will always mark the margins of a sad or a happy end.

Poetic laurels of history or draft,  poetry irrevocable wonder in a tempting world.

As long as a poet in the universe exist there will always be a symphony in every emotion of any symbolic  poetic word, by the fountain of inspiration from the poetic laurels.