
Truth & despair? Lies & Hope? What to write my love….

What to tell you my dearest love

Another day trudging through mud,

Rotting corpses, waves of fear flood

As canon shells draw yet more blood!


I cannot burden my love’s heart with that!

I cannot share that our energy is sapped!


What to tell you my dearest love

How each day is all a blur of

Death, hunger, lost limbs, lost fight,

Screams of fear escaping each night.


I cannot, will not, must not tell

My love about this living hell!


What to tell you- you who I adore

That my feet are rotting and sore?

That I watched a man breath his last

Unable to halt the latest shell blast!


I cannot share my darkest nightmares

Oh my darling! keep me in your prayers.


What to tell you - the love I desire

What can I say - except of this war I tire

Today the sun rose, I’m able to write

You a letter in and amongst the fight!

I was lucky to find dry boots, we march on

Morale is good, the rain is gone.

I won’t bore you with our hardships

Today I saw poppies as red as your lips

Time to say bye my darling darling beauty

To go and stand my guard as is my duty.


Yes my sweet girl that’s what I’ll write

I won’t share the horror of our fight.

Telling you how each day is full of hope

Will allow you - and me - to cope!