The vow

When I was younger 

Life was fun. 

As I went deeper 

An addict I become. 

First near death experience 

Healed at the root.

Foolishly promised

Never again shoot.

 Temptation surrounded me 

I had a fling

Heroine returned

But not my sin.

Snort,  smoke,  anything else 

Keeping my promise

Not adding offence.

Then one day I just forgot 

Mixed up a hit

And had a shot.

Couldn\'t revive me

The ambulance sped 

But on arrival 

Pronounced me dead. 

A slow ride to the hospital

When to their surprise

The corpse that was me

Opened his eyes!

First thought: My vow to God. He had saved me again, why this little sod?

When the heart is swept and garnished

And left unguarded

The demon returns with seven of his mates

Leaving the man in a much worst state. 

This is my testimony 

I know the scriptures are true. 

For another seven years Addiction did I do. 

Seven years filled with shame.

Then gently this time he bought me back again. 

First time I opened the book 

You may know the part 

Where one says \"rip it out.\"

The other says \"let me tend it and water it, give it some time. 

If it bears fruit it can be part of the vine.\"

I understand the consequences

He had given his all.

And chose to forgive me

Even though I had nailed him, once again, to the wall. 

I can never go backwards

His life is my plea.

But this much I\'ll tell you-

No more vows from me.