Star Singer

A Disaster Course Of Memories



Memories make us suffer. 


They make you relive your suffering, your consequences, your happiness being stripped away from you , and ways you weren\'t able to step up to the plate.


Just go away!






Get rid of yourself.


Do something better than this!


Do anything, but this!


You remember, I remember, myself remembers.


You are not fit for that role because you cannot fit into that role.


The memories, the thoughts swarming me like a hive of African bees; relentless in their pursuit of my mind


Pain, fear, regret, anguish.


It is what fills the pockets of my soul when it has been shot out and I\'m left picking up the pieces.


That\'s why memories hurt; they make us suffer, we relive our suffering, our consequences, our happiness being stripped away from us , and the constant reminder of all the ways we weren\'t able to step up to the plate.