
I love you too

I\'m pretty enough to be someone\'s crush but not pretty enough to be their forever

A topic so unconventional yet beautiful, rare yet familiar, I\'m still waiting-

I\'m not sure what for

An apology maybe? A reason to stop thinking

He said \'I love you\' in the mornings,

\'I love you\' after I made him laugh

He says he loves me, eyes shut falling fast asleep

He says it..- he said it

Like its not a secret to keep, he loved me until he didn\'t

\'Don\'t you break my heart\', I remember saying

I was laughing

How could I laugh like it was so out of question?

Like he said he\'d stay yet he left

Now i forget how to trust infact I cannot

Somehow i couldn\'t fix you like I said I could, 

Like she could