Dr.Suryaraju Mattimalla

In the World of Dance

In the world of dance

Life matter

Lifeless things

can\'t understand it.


In the art of dance

Love matter

Loveless things

can\'t tag it.


In the aesthetics of dance

The art of the living matter

Artless things

can\'t embed it.


In the freedom of dance

Freedom matter.

Freedom-less things

Can’t ingrained

The art of freedom.


In the presence of a peaceful dance

The art of cheering and smiling matters.

Violent things can\'t be born in it.


When there is no

The Art of Life      


When there is no

The Art of Appreciation


When there is no

The art of aesthetics


When there is no

Art of Freedom          


When there is no

The art of peace


 Life does not exist.        

Love does not exist.

Freedom does not exist.

Peace does not exist.

Appreciation does not exist.

Morality does not exist.


When there is no

The art of living      


\"October 7 happens.\"

\"Supernova music festival massacre happens.\"

“Gas the Jews occur?”

“Free Palestine occurs.\"

“From the River to the Sea” occurs



“Never Again 2010, July 4, October 7”


2010 is the year my first baby was a victim of honor killing in India. It is Hindu terrorism against humanity. July 7, 2023, is the date when my second baby boy Stanford was killed by forceful vaccination by a German gynecologist in Germany, and October 7, 2023, is the modern holocaust of the Jewish community committed by Muslims, in which crimes against humanity and crimes against peace have taken place.