
My Flower Gray

Did you ask for half, could you do the same? Is one plus one 2? Im sorry my heads foggy I just finished the move. Was it fate, like meant to be?
I blink for one second just to watch a star crash. I try and express what just happened, open mouth; yes no sound; did I break that bad. so fast, the energy from impact released a brilliant flash with every color of a rainbow along with fire and ash. A huge crater formed, and not by chance it was like in that split second a choice was made in the strongest of stone, It was not one you could change.It was just me and you and the perfect storm. It was a depth of love I’ve yet to reach and It started with heavy rain not one second later only sun. I knew you liked plants so I said let’s plant a seed, One I had found in another life, only one seed unknown in fact, but with water and sun it should grow she said, I agreed with excitement now it needs time  and we left it. 
Time slows down. This was a new experience for me. You said nothing so I let it be. I blink once more, when my eyes met yours, I noticed the fire raging inside I could never feel cold in your loving stare instantly warm weather and sun. I was in shock, no control.  hope and fear like a choking smoke. Face feels wet as words fall out broken foreign radio broadcast with empty words.I confess I loved how you smelled of flowers and your curves in that sundress will haunt me.  I won’t blink again. Then it was autumn just like that it was mid August when the seed began to grow I’ll always remember the 17th the time the date I will never forget I’ll remember the profound and recollect what I learned. I can’t wait to see the flower I planted till then I’m trusting God to watch the garden for this was my first seed I’ve planted and her name is Gray, my daughter; my flower.