Yuksel Inel

Whispers of the Enchanted Night

In the grove where shadows dance,
Moonlight weaves a silver trance,
Where the rivers sing of yore,
In the lands of mythic lore.

Beneath the canopy of jade,
Where light and dark in twilight fade,
The zephyrs murmur secrets old,
In whispers soft, in breaths so bold.

In the forest of arsenic crystals bright,
Where day kisses the edge of night,
Stars, like seers, in silence speak,
Of love and loss, of the strong and weak.

And there, the night, in splendor dressed,
With enigmatic light caressed,
Unfurls its mysteries under the sky,
Where dreams take wing, and thoughts fly high.

In this realm where fantasies dwell,
By the chiming of the celestial bell,
The heart finds tales yet untold,
In the magic of the night, bold and cold.