
A Fat Ass

On the burning road, the man did toil

His sweat and tears, the earth did spoil

Never resting, always pushing on

His weary spirit, his strength all gone


And there, in the distance, a fat, stupid ass

Grinning at him from a green place, alas

The man cried out in rage and despair

But the ass only grinned, without a care


\"Do not deride me, fool!\" the man cried out

\"I know you, with your greed and selfish clout

Stuffing your belly, burying your heart

In grass and tender sprouts, tearing them apart\"


But the ass only grinned from the green place

Unmoved by the man\'s anger and disgrace

For what did the beast care for the man\'s strife

When all it desired was a simple, carefree life


And so the man toiled on, with a heavy heart

Realizing that the ass was not too smart

But perhaps, in its foolishness, it had found

The secret to happiness, on solid ground. (\"A Fat Ass\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.