
Fappy Meals (A Comment on “Fast Hands” in “Fast Food”)

This is the way, to run your drive thru,

keep in touch, with your crew,

so before the fries, brush past thighs,

let sordid orders, be supersized,


ardent management, leads the pack,

this is the way, to make a Big Mac,

wink at the cook, before beef is down,

at the dressing table, act like a clown,


then please don’t dawdle, time is ticking,

see those girls, on the chicken,

say to them, “you’re finger licking good”,

to make sure strain is understood,


make them bow to you, the King,

who compliments whoppers, of the skin,

as the saying goes, “have it your way”,

for service with a smile, gets them paid,


those at windows, with Bluetooth mics,

you’ve got to tell them, more than twice,

that they are also on the menu,

no time to argue, this is fast food,  


as you’ve got to keep Ronald, lovin’ it,

this is big business, you have to permit,

as money talks, it’s the world’s appeal,

thus, keep on serving, “fappy meals!”