

The shadows have deepened, 

As souls are cheapened.  

The ‘wolf’ is lusting, 

And we are so trusting. 


It enters stealthily,  

It breathes the unhealthy, 

Excitement increases, 

Awareness now in pieces.  


It’s a magnetic draw, 

Like never felt before, 

The ‘wolf’ bares its teeth, 

Suffering to bequeath. 


“Feed me! 

I want to feed into eternity.  

Persecute your soul, 

Beyond the point of control.” 


“Just a small ‘slice?’ 

That will suffice, 

And another please? 

See, his/her soul agrees.” 


The egoic cycle begins, 

There are sumptuous wins. 

Head in the clouds, 

Partying with the crowds. 


What was a small slice, 

Became an inner-most price, 

The ‘wolf’ became obese,  

No hope of inner peace. 


Know the tricks of the dark, 

Outline its ‘face’ to stark.  

Observe it in another, 

But forget not our own sister and brother. 


Choose carefully what we feed, 

Remember our spiritual need, 

To pay close attention to the dark, 

Lest a fire rage from a spark.