
If I Close My Eyes

If I close my eyes tight

Squeeze them shut against the light 

I can conjure the shape of your lips 

The swell following our kiss 

How your eyes softly close as you sigh 


If I close my eyes tight 

I can hear your whispers against my ear 

The vibrations of your murmurs

The I\'ll always love you my darling\'s

Your chest purring alongside  

The soft gentle tease of your fingertips 


If I close my eyes tight 

I can smell the rain on your skin 

The rising bumps under your hair as you circle your arms 

The beat of your heart 

It\'s own symphony with mine


If I close my eyes tight 

You\'re standing right in front of me

Knowing my soul as if it was your own 

A promise of always 

But a statement of never.