
The eternal return

\'\' Christianity  turned every value into  worthnessness ,

and every truth  into a lie ,and every integrity 

into baseness  of soul .\"    ( Friedriech  Nietszche ) 


Fool restricted in your  camisole  you see

 your madness  increasing .

You want to escape licit pleasures ,

the fragmented psyche of the social fabric, 

nauseating  flesh of false truths .

The prophet runs throught the streets ,screaming :

      \'\' God is dead !  God is dead ! \'\'

Everyone frightened in the face of the dement\'s imprecation 

deep within themselves feeling  the emptiness of the slave

who refuses to see his  chains fall  ! 

God is dead ,the empty throne  offers itself  

like a lascivious female to the tearful  genderless !

   And suddenly there is silence .

The crowd ,submissive flock , bends the knee ,

and worships the pavement  streaming

with sins and unconfessed  thoughts ...

The temples of power collapse ,

confused crooks run naked  and shameful,

their foreheads crowned with thorns of opprobrium ! 

Omnipotent of Jerusalem and Brussels,

decomposing and drops the comedy masks  ! 

The ancient deities come out of the vault ,

lighting the purifier pyres  of  souls  !

Twilight of  sewers idols swept  by a wind 

of demonetized  toilet paper ! 

    \" The Dog  is dead ! \'\'

A rising sun ignites the throne ,

dispising the pity  of  weak  ! 

       \"Ecce  homo ! \'\'

\" Welcome to you  Overman !  \'\'