Nicole Pritchard

His pain

Today, I see a man
 In so much pain
 Not in the physical aspect
 He is emotionally broken
 He is beating himself up 
Over things that are out of his control
 Making him withdrawn from everyone 
Fearing that he will be judged 
Makes me want to reach out to him 
To let him know
 He isn‘t alone 
His fears aren‘t deeper than himself 
He can rise above it 
I wish he could see
 Beyond all of his fears
 Here I am willing to listen 
To all his pain 
My shoulders are strong enough 
To handle the weight of your fears
 I see a man 
That can overcome anything
 I‘m offering you my hand 
In hopes that you will reach out 
I can be his crutch 
When he is about to fall 
He needs to know 
That somebody is willing to be there 
I know he can get past it
 He just needs somebody to support him 
By letting him dump all his pain onto 
Without being judged 
It‘s breaking my heart
 Seeing him in so much pain
 I wish that he would let me
 Be the strength he needs
 He is so much more 
Than all of his fears