
Different Masks.

Whenever we go out into the world

Which mask do we put on?

I have different masks for different tasks.

My professional one, that I wore

When at work, so different from

The one I wear at choir.

Who knows who I am?

The real me.

Am I the one who does so much

To help those who need me?

Or is the real me seen at Church?

My family see an opaque mask

Showing much of what I am,

With the love showing through.

My lover sees an almost transparent one,

Almost seeing me as I am;

But even there a mask is worn,


Even when I look in a mirror,

The face looking back is not mine,

I don\'t see the real me,

Only a mirror image.

The only one who really sees me is

The Spirit running through my life.

And maybe the words on this page:


Which mask am I showing now?