
I think I\'m still in love with you.

I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Smile,
With your Eyes,
With your Hair,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Humour,
With your Laugh,
With your Music Taste,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Chest,
With your Arms,
With your Legs,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Cooking,
With your Skills,
With your Ideas,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Loyalty,
With your Lovingness,
With your Compassion,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
With your Heart,
With your Soul,
With your Kisses,
I think I\'m still in love with you.
Even though you fell in love with someone else,
With her Smile,
her Eyes,
her Hair,
her Humour,
her Laugh,
her Music Taste,
her Chest,
her Arms,
her Legs,
her Cooking,
her Skills,
her Ideas,
her Loyalty,
her Lovingness,
her Compassion,
her Heart,
her Soul,
her Kisses
You aren\'t still in love with me...
But me?
I\'m still in love!