
I know the answer now

I know the answer now

And it is what I actually knew from the beginning

So it is not a surprise, anyhow

It is a confirmation that this is the right beginning


I found what I was looking for

Which left me quite overwhelmed with joy

It made me afraid to join him on the dance floor

Because what if he was the wrong boy


I pushed myself to look at my thoughts and feelings toward him

I never wanted to quit or leave because of my confusion

I wanted to know the things that are pleasant and the things that are grim

After this confrontation, I came to the conclusion that I really love him


It is all so surreal and new for me

And because it is so precious, I don\'t want to fail to appreciate

I feel like things happen because that\'s how they are supposed to be

And that he is the one who guides us towards the life that we want to create