Hamidave 1


What a beautiful creature created by God, the reflection of lights brightening your colors, your tubular serves as straw to taste all nectar of the world.

Where your treasure is, is where your mind is, where your love is, is where you desire to be. You are such a wonderful being. The creature of lights.

Your love is not to be chased but to be attracted. You run away from what loves you to what you love but, unknowingly to you, you are attached to what loves you.

You are such a flexible and soft-hearted being that many believe to be vulnerable to love and care, but they are all beautiful lies, because you are in for what you want, many are running after you but you run after a beautiful garden. 

If there comes a day when I am no longer chasing you, it is not like my love fades, but it shows that my love is more than being after you, but to be with you my beautiful BUTTERFLY