Angelia Lamar

The Tongue

You have what you say, So watch your words carefully.  If you don’t like your atmosphere, Then you’ve gotta watch what you say.


The tongue can be used to lift others up or it can be used to tear others down.  If you don’t like where you are today, Then you sho’ need to watch the words you say. 


Your actions you display, only come from the words you say.  Totally disrespectful and disrupting your life, You got to watch them words I say.  


May God Set a watch over your mouth and season your words with grace.  Cause here in the journey of life, we are all in this race.  


So why be discourteous and loud, looking like a basket case, But instead get on your knees and pray, So God can heal you today!  


The tongue can cause a world of confusion, completely by itself.  For you and those around you, You got to watch the words you say.