
Does it Rain in Heaven

I wonder if it rains in heaven

Or is it just Angel’s tears

That fall from clouds like lemon drops

To wash away our fears

Do they fly across the sky

Out of sight and sound

Their snowy wings to carry them through

As their hearts do gently pound

I wonder if it rains in heaven

Like it does on earth

To see torrents raging in that special place

To help their life’s rebirth

If God has a way with words

I wonder what he would say

About the rain in heaven

That keeps the Sun at bay

I wonder if it rains in heaven

I will find out when my time comes

Because when I pass on that’s where I will go

With my spirit just going home

All of us have lived before

We just return to our roots in time

Been around for a thousand years

At present we are in our prime

I wonder if it rains in heaven

Will it affect St. Peters Gate

I hope it is not rusty

And make me arrive to late

When I get to heaven

It will rain for sure I know

If not to cleanse my weary heart

But to wash out my immortal soul

Heaven opens up its gates

To all of us you see

Provided we have led a life

Full of tranquillity and purity

To feel those raindrops when I arrive

Those Angel’s will look after me

To be at peace for all my days

God and I in perfect harmony