

In the realm of unanswered questions,
My mind echoes with a persistent \"why.\" 
Are you a karmic partner, destined to settle debts from our past life?
Perhaps our astrological aspects failed to align, a negative conjunction is making me sigh?
Did fate intertwine us, or angels pave a divine path? 
Did I radiate the energy you sought,
Where did my manifestation reroute?
Did our particles collide in a big bang so you felt so familiar and warm? 
Are you what they call a twin-flame? 
Or you were using mirroring to make me feel at home? 
Was I ignoring the red flags that were there all along?

As time drifts away, it\'s still unclear which lesson I should embrace. 
In post-breakup talks, your demeanor held a consistent harsh trace.
I am stuck in this time loop, where your face haunts each day, 
As if yesterday lingered, and in my dreams you stray. 
I understand I won\'t erase you, that\'s a fact I can\'t disown, 
Yet in my nights and in my mornings, please let me be alone.
Is this a signal of remorse for choosing to be with you?
Or it\'s the guilt acknowledging I didn\'t know how to nurture happiness, how true?
Did you truly exist, or I painted all your flaws to fit so perfectly?
Maybe I should\'ve sought to know you better before loving someone imaginary.