
Sweat The Small Stuff

In life\'s intricate web of toil and strife,

Lies the essence of our seemingly mundane life.

For though we tackle giants with courage and might,

It\'s the small stuff that haunts us, day and night.


The humdrum routines that burden our soul,

Like thorny pebbles, they take their toll.

Yet in the vast scope of mundane chores,

Resides strength untold, unnoticed, and mature.


So let us sway with grace to this rhythm profound,

A gentle cadence in the midst of life\'s sound.

For in these trifles, lies beauty untamed,

A treasure chest of lessons yet unnamed.


Amidst the chaos, let our senses take flight,

As we tend to the small stuff with all our might.

Embrace each task, no matter how they appear,

For it\'s in the ordinary, magic can appear.


With eyes wide open, we discover the sublime,

In sweeping the floors, in washing the grime.

For it\'s in the details that true artistry dwells,

A symphony of small things in which wisdom propels.


So let\'s not dismiss the everyday parade,

For it\'s in those moments that growth is made.

Attend to the details, every intricate part,

For greatness lies hidden, within the minor arcs.


Savor the sweetness of life\'s little things,

Like the buzzing of bees or the melody each raindrop sings.

Find solace in simplicity, and joy in the small,

For these moments are the ones that matter most of all.


With every spritz of cologne or neatly folded sheet,

We weave our existence, our story complete.

For when we sweat the small stuff with care and grace,

Life embraces us fully, in every single space. (\"Sweat The Small Stuff\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.