

Each individual was created perfectly imperfect, 

Yet, we try to destroy our identity with neglect .

Every soul is a unique combination of factors, 

We\'re not obliged to play as some mediocre actors. 


I believe every conscious mind holds a deep galaxy inside, 

And if they don’t reveal it, ponder twice on what they hide.

May be they were hurt by modern society’s rules, 

They’ve been sentenced to confine their own souls.


We’re not in hunger games to be listening to a dictator, 

Folks should be themselves, and life will be way greater. 

Just ignore the punishment of the judgmental society, 

In the vast realm of life, celebrate your unique variety.


How you ever came home from a very nice party,

Only to find yourself in the bed with crippling anxiety, 

Wondering if you said something wrong or did they even like me? 

Yes, they did. Or maybe not. What the worst scenario might be?


Be the bright protagonist of your own movie, 

Have you ever known the person who you are truly?

Congratulations, you’ve become your own bully. 

And you base your sentence on other people\'s hectic.

I guess you’ve made nine mistakes in the word “authentic”.