Santajah Douglass

Hammer and the Serpent

Bam! Bam! Bam !

It coming I\'m running 

Bam! Bam! Bam!

I know your out there I can feel you lurking

Bam! Bam! Bam!

You found me now what do you want 

Oh it so simple it so clear

you view me as a monster but you have no idea how real and how sincere

the reality between us draw near 

All that rack it you make and I\'m the one driving people away it seems we are two sides of a coin 

Im scary and your loud 

I\'m annoyed yet you are proud 

I want to sleep and you keep beating that metal so what am I to think 

How would you like it if  all I did was hiss hiss and  hiss  

While you hit hit and hit 

It ruin your focus and now you lost your train of thought 

I\'m losing my peace in the nature I usually sleep

So Bam! Bam! Bam! 

How do you figured that we are no different I\'m just a lurking serpent 

Your human with a hammer and now when you look at it through my eyes who really is scarer