
Imagine That

Imagine That


Crystallized water blankets cover fields below.

Teasingly I ponder, What if we could smell the snow?

What memories would gather around to remind

Of special people, places, and moments in  time?


My toes dig into the soft grains where water meets the land.

And again I think, What if we could smell the sand?

Would delightful aromas tempt us to indulge again?

Would neurological messages bring back a time that’s been?


I feel sun rays pushing me on as I take a morning run.

Quizzically I entertain, What if we could smell the Sun?

What joyful pleasure as life giving energy we inhale.

And the olfactory senses new aromatic dreams unveil.


The moments that take our breath away, beauty that sets us free.

What if some how, some way, we could smell the things we see?

I know it may sound crazy to ponder such whimsical things.

But oh the joy that letting our hearts imagine, brings.