



I met her at the reception in a hotel,

wearing a dress and a hat .

\"What a lady\", i just said.

She must be from another planet 

or i am already dead.

She spoke Italian in a very elegant tone,

i wished your voice for the navigation on my phone.


Nawel, we had such a great weekend

but at the end you just wanted to be friends.

Nawel, you were only looking for fun

and after that you just run and run


She came into my room to brush your hair,

i had the desire to take her everywhere.

We went to a casino and played roulette,

Everyone was looking at your hat.


Nawel, we had such a great weekend

but at the end you just wanted to be friends.

Nawel, you were only looking for fun

and after that you just run and run.


Written by Gjoshe Pocev