

Touch us gently, Time

As we sail upon your sea

Humble voyagers, searching for

A place of peace and harmony


We are but a family

With one angel gone too soon

Seeking solace in each other

Underneath this gentle moon


Touch us gently, Time

Let us find our way

Through the currents of our sorrow

To a brighter, sunlit day


Our ambitions are not grand

Just simple joys and love

We seek a quiet, calm clime

Where our spirits can rise above


So guide us, gentle Time

Through the waves and winds that blow

Lead us to a steady course

Where blessings can freely flow


Touch us gently, Time

As we navigate this life

In the end, we seek but peace

And an end to pain and strife


Humble voyagers are we

On this journey, hand in hand

So, touch us gently, gentle Time

And lead us to the promised land. (\"Time\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.