

Protect this place.

The fact you’re with me

makes it a dream

and is that ok?

I have always wanted

to do some of these things

what will the world say?

If we won’t always stay

we can always return

There’s so much at play


We can go out today.

Realize the wings we had all along

Stretch them as wide as each other’s song

Race each other to and fro

and get something done

Until we are filled and expended and chilled

Needing a place to get warm and recover

Needing some time to think and get under

Hibernate these veins that run over

A heart that belongs within beating distance

Of another that beats not a bit different

And we can heal the cracks of each other,

And fly some more tomorrow.

Or the next day.

Or the next life.


So we can leave for a while,

And see the world,

Go out in separate ways,

Seeking ourselves,

Seeking normalcy,

Seeking calm.

It’s never perfect,

It’s sometimes messy,

Somehow always connected,

The memories call us together,

Mixed with logic and reality,

It all looks so different,

So we survive,

And we thrive,

Because we love life,

We can see the goodness in it,

We feel closeness everywhere,

From the wink of a bird,

To the spark of a fire,

The twinkle of a star,

And the glow of the moon,

The chill of the waters,

A cardinal’s song,

We soak it in like a sponge,

And collect it in our core,

For it is what fuels the spirit,

And keeps the passions alive,

And it is always good,

But never perfect,

And fleeting,

And paused,

For now.
