
A Teddy\'s Life

A Teddy’s Life

In the Old Curiosity Shop

At the end of the street

Way back in a corner

Looking very discreet

Lies a battered old Teddy Bear

With well worn hands and feet

His ears are torn and ragged

But he would be nice to meet

He’s been around for many a year

Through two wars at least or more

Now needs a new home, so as to rest

To stop him looking so poor

In 1900 he was picked up and bought

By a boy in old London town

Looking so new, his glass eyes shone

Looking so happy, without a frown

A lovely colour brown, with a nice fluffy coat

A really cuddly looking toy was he

But he was treated so badly, straight from the off

It now obviously shows you see

Kicked and battered right from the start

Not a very good life for a teddy bear

That’s why he looked so miserable ands down in the dumps

 It’s down to all that bad wear and tear



Thrown out some years later

With the jumble for the church

Bought by a nice young lady

Who had been left in the lurch

She nursed him back to health again

Brought back his nice red coat

Sat him in her front room window

So that she could gloat

At having such a lovely Teddy Bear

But the feeling didn’t last too long

Before,  he was on the move again

This time sold for a song

A soldier bought him for good luck

Who was off to fight in the war

So in the trenches he did go

In with all the blood and gore

His master killed, not long after

So buried up to his neck in mud and slime

It’s as though his time was running out

Even though teddy was in his prime

For many years well hidden away

Out in a field in France

Ploughed up be a farmer clearing his field

By now he must have been in a trance




Taken home and treated well

The farmer’s wife was a saint

Cleaned him, preened him and patched him up again

By now he again looked quite quaint

In world war two he was on the move

With the army on the Rhine

Fell off a cart then and found again

A British soldier said now your mine

Taken back to Blighty

The feeling of being wanted was intense

But three children squabbled, pulled him about

The damage again was immense

Thrown out again, so here he is

Awaiting his final fate

So if you pass the shop today

Go on; buy him before it’s too late.