

Does anyone ever think

Think of the vanished, the lost

Whose families despair in an endless torment

Not knowing how or why they had to pay this cost.

How is that someone you love, someone you know

Can vanish within the breath of a second 

Drug addict, runaway, homeless say those -

Those only forces that can help, like the police who name felons

Who act like they know them so well

When you know its all lie

You know that they\'re not a drug addict, hell

All the police do is watch as you cry

However, if it was they\'re husband or wife

Who suddenly disappeared

They would do anything to find them alive

Anything to calm their fears

The same fears that you have

The same fears that they push away

When all you want to do is find them and laugh

Instead of waiting months for a phone call, praying everyday

To find your love, your baby still alive

Desperation fills you up, makes you whisper to the stars, \"come find me\"

\"Come back, let me find you alive, cure your strife,

Before you get erased from reality.\"

But as the years wear on

And the unhelpful, hindering police stop looking

That hole in your heart makes you less strong

And the sharp truth starts hooking 

They\'re not going to find your love, your baby

They\'re not coming back to you

And that pain, that anger, makes you go crazy

The unbearable, painful, clear truth

It makes you second-guess yourself

Leaves you wondering what else

You could\'ve done

To keep them from going on the run

Then the anger creeps in

As you look back at all the fighting you did

Just for those idiots to help find your love

And finally bring the case to a solve

But that didn\'t happen

And they just tossed your love with the other vanished

The vanished, nothing more but a distant memory

Of disappearing people, and their tragedies

That nobody seems to care about

And who\'s going to stick up for those people?

The broken families, and all the doubt

That ensues when they aren\'t amended equal.

I know I won\'t forget

All the broken souls left in unrest

For the vanished aren\'t truly vanished

Unless you remember them

And all the following anguish.