

I’m lost 
But priceless,,
I myself are no cost
I’m broken why ? Because I had a big heart 
I’m in so many pieces, I’m scattered So apart 
I used to know my own road 
I cried so many tears kept Wipeing them away 
But Still I  tried to smile 
I told  myself I’m strong,,  of course Im indenial 
Because truth is ,,Really I wasn nothing of such 
I’d lost self worth,  I wasn’t myself, I wasn’t to value but from the start I wasn’t  ever owt much 
I stand still and I hear my mind 
I walk along to the rytham of my heart knowing I’m one of the kind 
But one of the kind was never owt best 
Lifes always a struggle to me it’s another test ,,
But what do u do when the tests keep coming 
U can’t hide or keep running 
U pause to change how u think u crave to have peace and crave to be put to rest 
But some how u exsist u got through so there’s another shitty test