M. Evermore

To Be a Child

It’s interesting

How one moment, 

You’re riding your bike in 

The endless days of Summer

And the next,

You’re forced to make a choice

That will change your life forever

When you’re younger,

You don’t think about the hard stuff

You look to the future and say,

Maybe one day

But what happens when that one day

Is here?

Now I count down the days of Summer,

No longer lost in the endless heat

Now my days are filled with papers

And technology and what-ifs

I miss the good old days

When I didn’t have to think

I could rely on someone else for a change

But I suppose that’s what happens

When one grows up

You have to rely on yourself for a change

And so let this be a lesson,

To enjoy life as you live it,

To live in the endless days of Summer,

And to enjoy your childhood while it still lasts

Because you have the rest of your life

To be an adult,

But really,

Only a few precious golden years

To be a child