Accidental Poet

Your Beautiful Face

As I stare at your picture

A photo from 1971

An 8th grade classroom photograph

Of which I so often gaze upon


An image of you Sharon

Engraved on the walls of my heart

No artist could ever replicate

A portrait of such beautiful art


You and I only fourteen years old

I can’t help but wonder your thoughts

As you sat there with your classmates

Your image on film by camera caught


And here sit I 52 years later

In awe of your beauty

As I have countless times

My hypnotic gaze so acutely


You not yet aware

Of my attraction to you

Your secret admirer

Steadfast and true


And now I see you everyday

Your radiant smile

The look in your eyes

Your own certain style


I’ll go to my grave

My final resting place

And within my spiritual heart

Will be your beautiful face


Copyright © Accidental Poet 2023