Job Welime


I\'m almost 6 feet tall,definitely not the tallest man in the room,
But on a good day I should be able to reach many things including those on topshelf,
Except today,your phone is off,cant reach you therefore I can\'t reach many things,
I call you muffin,I call you cheesy names with no response in return,
The weight of your silence is a constant ache, each unspoken word adding to the heaviness in my heart.
It\'s as if my very existence is on the verge of crumbling, and you\'re not there to catch the pieces as they fall.
My heart and mind are entangled, weaving assumptions that perhaps you share the same sentiments.
I long to put an end to this relentless suffering, but at every turn, I find myself failing in expressing the depth of my love for you.
True love\'s a gift we shouldn\'t let it drift,lest the Angel\'s cry,
Aren\'t you tired of tearing up the Angels!