
How many days can we continue to waste

How many days can we continue to waste

Throughout the world the music blows and every ear hears their favorite tune. This opens their hearts and soul and every heart and mind is coming to the center of the planet in loving form to praise the Heavens for the important emotions wrapped up in life and the desire to come together and hold hands with open hearts and minds is upon us. The truth of what matters is on the tongue and our actions follow suit. Any negative differences are layed by the roadside in the dirt and mud unable to influence us any longer. Minus this harmony destruction is our end. The superficial wants and desires disappear when we all resend to ourselves the most trustworthy and life building factions of life becomes the glory of life given to us by Our creator. Everything old is new again. Any and all things that devide us has to be executed out of our existence. When we all come together on equal forum the future becomes promising again. Until we relearn this our direction into continued suffering will consume our days and the change the human race needs will burn away like the leaves of fall.