
Web of Life

In the depths of our struggles and strife,

We find ourselves tangled in the web of life,

Powerless over the temptations that bind,

To addictions, people, food, the mind.


Liquor\'s allure, pills\' numbing embrace,

We sought solace, but found a dark space,

A maze of chaos, consuming our soul,

Our will, our strength, from us it stole.


In the vast unfolding of events untold,

We are but passengers, we don\'t hold,

The power to control the outcomes that blend,

Yet in acceptance, our hearts can mend.


Our loved ones too, their paths their own,

We cannot shape, their choices we\'ve shown,

Our worry, concern, it only brings pain,

For their destiny, they must ascertain.


But amidst this powerlessness that\'s perceived,

There\'s a flicker of light, we must believe,

For within our being lies a strength untapped,

A reservoir of power, waiting to be grasped.


In the playground of our attitudes, clear,

We hold the reigns, dispel all fear,

In the grand theater of our self-image, bright,

We paint the hues, embracing our own light.


With the brush of behavior, strokes of our own,

We conjure a masterpiece, our essence shone,

With determination as our guiding force,

We carve our path, embracing life\'s course.


And in our commitment to this program, we see,

Endless possibilities, like waves on a sea,

For we hold the power, deep within our soul,

To shape our existence, to make ourselves whole.


So let us stand tall, in our power\'s embrace,

Exercising control, with every step we trace,

Finding joy in the freedom to choose,

Reveling in the exhilaration, banishing the blues.


For we are not victims, bound in despair,

But warriors, rising above, prepared,

To conquer our addictions, to find our way,

To reclaim our power, to seize each day.


In the realm of our own empowerment, we rise,

Breaking through the chains, reaching for the skies,

With courage as our ally, determination our guide,

We embark on a journey, with power deep inside. (\"Web Of Life\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.