
the worst thing...

I tried my best. 

I worked harder than I have ever worked.

I sacrificed love, laughs, friendships, everything I had. 

I put in every ounce of myself. 

I lost my self. 

But that wasn’t enough 

It never seems to be enough

I am never good enough.. for anyone 

I am never pretty enough

Skinny enough 

Smart enough 

I am never enough 

But I try so hard. 

The worst thing to me 

Is to try and still fail 

To know the work you did never payed off 

To see the sacrifices you made weren’t just enough 

To feel that you should have put more in 

To know you will never get back what you lost

I tried. 

I really did. 

But no one seems to notice? 

Not after I have failed. 

Once I have failed it is always, ‘you should have worked harder’

But I am putting every ounce of my body on the line 

I am just never enough 

And that is the worst thing.