Alan R

One for the yearning

You\'ve been in the heart of a poet
Have you seen music and heard light?
Did you see the snowflakes made of roses?
And sunsets that don\'t lead to nights...

You\'ve been written down anyway
You don\'t like love and hate
They\'re your last choice of words
But it\'s a world where it\'s never too late

Shining leaves and twinkling petals
In a world where stars flow with the river
You\'ve been yearned for and lived through
In a warmth where the words shiver

You\'ve been sung as a waterfall, ample and enough
Where time has been still and yet complete
What price would you put on this heart anyway
One that doesn\'t know how to bluff indeed

In her poems you\'ve been immortalized
For no one held her mind the way you did
Her creepers founds the roots in you
Hoping you\'d remember her lost tendrils

