
Dwelling Delights

Tune: Doncaster

(\'Put thou thy trust in God\')

Psalm 84 v.1-4


How amiable, see

Your tabernacles be

O Lord of hosts, how lovely, they

Shine with your light alway


My soul longs, even faints

To be there with your saints

In your courts, O Lord, my heart too

My being desires you


You God, the living God

My footsteps, they have trod

Within your dwelling place, it fine

There you reside, divine


And sparrow and swallow

Birds they too your place know

Have found nests for themselves, they be

Settled, sweet company


A place to lay their young

Where your praises are sung

Even on your altars resting

Lord of hosts, my God, King


Blessed are they that do dwell

In your house, of you tell

They still will be praising you, for

You e\'er their Lord God sure