

In times of trouble, confusion and despair
Give of yourself, show them that you care
Your sympathy, your prayers, your time and love
Lend a helping hand, sent from above

Give your thoughts and your self, be a guiding light
Offer your support, help them through their plight
Share your confidence, your faith in their worth
As it was once given to you, from heaven\'s birth

Give without prejudice, without holding back
Offer what is needed, never showing lack
Remember, advice is valuable, but it\'s never the same
As giving of yourself, sharing your flame

So be generous and kind, to those in need
Give them your best, let your love take the lead
For in giving of yourself, you\'ll find peace and grace
And in helping others, you\'ll find your rightful place. (\"Giving\") by Courtney Weaver Jr.