Narayan Gadagkar

Conquest in calamity

In the tectonically active rugged Himalayan terrains

seated are the most dynamic, rising young mountains.

Geotechnical Challenges abound in the tunnel construction

due to the geological aspects and structural deformations.


In Uttarkashi of Uttarakhand, beneath the earth\'s embrace,

A tunnel roof caved in, trapping forty-one souls in confining space.

For sixteen long days and nights, in darkness they did stay

Desperately hoping for a miracle to happen to see the light of day.


Amidst the eerie silence, their robust hope remained unbound,

In the depths of great despair, a flicker of hope was found.

Over the ground, a symphony of concerted efforts began to swell,

Rescue agencies rallied around, with their determination to quell.


Round-the-clock, relentless, the rescue mission soared,

In the labyrinth of challenges, their resolve remained untoward.

For the tunnel trapped workers   a lifeline in the darkness zoomed.

Through a pipeline in the tunnel, food, water, and medicine delivered.


Sixteen days and  chilling  nights in the dungeon of limited sight

Forty-one brave hearts remained steadfast and unbroken in their plight.

Their collective strength, patience with unwavering hope shining bright

A story of courage for all to see the trapped ones, stood tall and upright.


Finally, the day when the first ray of light pierced the gloom,

A cheer arose, rat miners punctured the tunnel, dispelling doom.

One by one, they emerged unharmed, from the rocky debris and rubble

A testament to human spirit, that in adversity too, life can bloom.


                                                                  ……………………Narayan Gadagkar