


Now i’m pissed

I let you in 

Into my house

Or rather 

You let yourself in

And like an idiot, i let you

You strolled right on through

Breezing through the barriers 

I had in place

Commenting on the colors

And decoration choices

While I chose to follow meekly

Now i feel stupid

Because I built that house

Unknowingly I  built it out of wood

I built tall walls

A dark room

Long halls

And a tomb

You took a match

A gallon of gasoline

And lit up the house that I built

The one that was meant to protect me

And I fucking stand there 

In the center of the house

My eyes unseeing

As they view the carnage 

My mind miles away

as the rain poured down from the sky

Swallowing the flames

And there amongst the ashes

Of who i once was

I relised 

That the one who i chose to let in 

Was not a friend


They never were

They were just a fucking snake

Who’s only wish 

Was to burn my house

And relish the heat of the ashes

But now i have risen 

From the ashes

Like a fiery phoenix

My eyes aflame

Kindled by the flames of your betrayal 

Now you best stay away

Little snake

Slither back into your hole

Or else I won’t be the only one 

With burns that go deeper than skin

Come on out little snake

And I’ll teach you a lesson

On why you  don\'t play with fire

As beautiful as it may be

When you play with fire 

Someone always gets a burn

Now, now little snake

Slither away

Across the bridges, you chose to burn

Don’t you DARE think you won this game 

That you made me play

It’s not over yet

Try not to forget

Karma catches up to everyone

And remember

Karma’s a bitch

But so am i 

While I don’t get angry often

You made a friend cry

You managed the feat of my fury

And it will rain down upon you 

Like hellfire, it will ring true

People tell me I’m angry

And i have every right to be


This doesn’t feel like anger

It feels like sadness and pain

Set ablaze

And even demons run for cover

from this undying feeling

that eats at my flesh

creating an angry rash

I never should have let myself care this much

But i did

And now I pay for it

I hope it hurts you 

As much as it’s hurting me too

And honestly

I think it’s pretty fucked up

How can you go and hurt someone

And be perfectly fine with it

For the guilt of the harm 

You willingly caused

To not eat you up inside

So be sure to pray to your gods

And your forgotten deities for mercy

Cause you’ve made an enemy out of me

And while your unkind gods may have mercy

Just know that i sure as hell won’t

May your skys go down in flames

Your heavens turn to hell 

Your good things turn to ash

Watch as i dance across the bridges You burned