
every part of me misses you

It is spelled A-Y-A-M-E don\'t forget the apostrophe

Best Friends For Life but we ended too soon

Best Friends For Life supposed to be for eternity

Ending in our own tragedy

My earliest memory of us fighting to become true once more

Hi my name is Ayame\' Hi my name is Olivia Ten words in total

Four years of best-friendship

Ayame\' show me you care for me once more

Wipe the tears off my face and sob with me once more

Let\'s play on the cut-down trees with our Baby Alives once more

No peep of this to anyone coming from my mouth

The one who needs to hear this is Ayame\' We were once Best Friends For Life

But Life went on

Leaving us no more than Instagram Friends

Whose two texts a year take place on each birthday.

Lowercase set texts spell out i-m-i-s-s-y-o-u

With my texts I try to keep my feelings subtle

Seen by you

A choice to no response towards me

Do you not miss me anymore

Was your heart for me not durable enough

After what he did to you

My heart for you never lacks the feelings of

Sorrow Regret



All four feelings fluctuate depending on which memory falls into my cerebrum

A memory of the last time we slept in my room

The first time I saw you cry

Who knew this was the start of the end of our best-friendship

I take a deep breath ready to show my dad your texts about what happened last night

Fondling with my tears and dropping them out of my eyes

I can\'t believe he would do that to you

His lack of care

Left me with a lack of the bestes of best friends