Angelia Lamar





Family, friends and mistletoe. Tinsel on the tree gifts for you and me, But Christmas is more than that.


Ham, turkey, potato salad, and sweet potato pies.  Playing games, singing with family, and going to Church, But Christmas is more than that.


Caroling from house to house, with red and white santa hats, Being able to stay up late, getting to watch all the Christmas specials, But Christmas is more than that.


Going to the Malls, finding just the perfect presents, wrapping gifts and gift boxes too.  Eating rice and brown gravy, oh those tasty yams, with hot cornbread dressing and gravy, But Christmas is more than that.


Seeing beautiful Christmas trees, decorated with beautiful ornaments and things, Oh those beautiful poinsettias, red bows, and flashing Christmas lights, But Christmas is more than that.


A Savior, the Christ child was born in a lowly manger.  To share a smile, hug or greeting with everyone you meet, Helping the Homeless, those less fortunate, feeding others, That’s the true meaning of Christmas.