
When will it end?

When will it end?

I ponder the echoes of every day,

when will I defeat this monster?

when will I meet the morning sun refreshed and eager for all that is life?

Instead of being drained from all that I have.

When will I find that dandelion in the spring?

When will I find even a speck of daylight? When will I reach the end of this never-ending long dark tunnel?

The waves crash and continue to shove me down deeper and deeper into the ocean,

it’s like I’m drowning but the process is unhurried.

The waves take their sweet precious time devouring me.

I am drowning but there is no way out of the water, but the waves ignore my pleas to hurry up and end my suffering.

It leaves me with the feeling of being strangled and beaten down day after day,

there is no end.

When will it end?