
Clothes For The Weather.

I do not wear clothes

For the time of the year it is,

I wear clothes depending what the weather is.

If it is raining,

I’ll wear a mac.

If it is cold,

I’ll put a long-sleeved shirt on.

If it is very cold,

I’ll put a coat on.

If it is warm,

I’m in trouble,

As I cannot go down the street


So shorts and tee shirt

Are the least I can wear.

I just do not feel the cold,

And I laugh to my self

At those that wear clothes for the season,

Not for the weather.

As I walk down the street,

In a balmy temperature of eight degrees,

Or higher,

In my short sleeved shirt,

I see people wrapped up

With so many clothes,

They must think it’s approaching

Absolute zero.

They think I am mad,

They may be right,

But I wear clothes for the weather,

Not for the season.