

Shining in the darkness

Preying on my sins

The war is finally over

The safest place I\'ve been

A new world war has blossomed

So we have to work and be good

I feel so fucking incredible

Like I never knew I could

It\'s dark and just now dawning on me

I long to get you back

But you found love in another place

And that\'s as serious as a heart attack

In the daylight hours, we are endgame

But the worst is yet to come

I see everything I never have

Bright as the ways of the sun

So right now I\'m done pretending

I\'ll try to make it work

This idiotic nightmare you made me

The last thing I deserved

Thank you for being a part of this

You filled my stockings. You\'re gone.

But no matter what ever happens

I\'m never moving on

Goodbye, my almost lover

The comet hit. Game on.