
a single soul, presents itself

a single soul, presents itself.



Oh Lord, I visit your shrine,

not in the hopes of being granted,

but to be bestowed upon, a boon.

I bend my knee in thy presence, 

and I come not with a begging bowl,

confess to all my deeds, of which,

many not worthy of a saintly soul.

That, which will insinuate a plea,

for you the all knowing,

a wasted time indeed.

Aye! Amongst the vast Universes,

a single soul, presents itself.

To garner a fleeting moment, a glance,

a smile, or even a grimace,

to shed light, upon the impending boon.

Even, if my harvest, be a grain of rice,

I shall continue to fulfill that illusion,

which is bestowed upon me, till such time, 

when you find me, worthy of inclusion.