Angelia Lamar

Confessions For The Day



Confessions For The Day


I Decree and Declare that we have come into a new dispensation of grace of God,  and that God is sending people into your space, who will make the things in you, that God gave to you, leap for joy!


I Decree And Declare that we’re coming into a season of life, a season of movement, and that everything God has given you is about to come forth!


I speak to every gift, every talent, every dream, every prophetic vision and strategy, every good word spoken over me, and I command it to breakthrough in Jesus Name Amen.


God is cleansing my relationships, and purging my connections!


I Declare that pride, ego, or fear of loving people won’t prevent me from doing what I know I have been called to do in Jesus Name Amen.


I pray for a renewed desire to want to please God with my life and in every relationship.


I pray that the Holy Spirit would sever  every soul tie, that God hasn’t arranged, and that I would come into the knowledge of what’s been sent by God,  and who was sent by the devil!


I pray that my ability to discern spirits, motives, and intentions, would increase exponentially and that every undercover demon be exposed, and eliminated from my life in Jesus Name Amen!


I renounce all negative words spoken over me, over my life in Jesus Name Amen!


The very life of God flows through my veins!